Letters To The Editor
Dear Virginia:
Do you know what it is like to feel so lucky that there just couldn't be anyone as fortunate as you? I do.
A short time ago, my wife (we'll call her Margie) and I came to a mutually happy understanding about our marriage and TVism. Before this, she felt in competi- tion with my alter ego for attention and affection. Now peace and tranquility reside in an atmosphere of growing understanding on both sides and nurtured by a revitalized love. It has taken six years, a sometimes very stormy marriage, and the combined efforts of a psychiatrist, a clergyman,
a close family friend, and Virginia Prince who was last, but not least, But I digress.
After 29 years on "Planet Earth", Cathy (as Margie has re-named her) is getting a chance to mature into womanhood. Of course this is gender expression only, and part-time. Margie and I now have a truly "Com- munity Closet" and borrowing goes back and forth on almost everything. You see, although Cathy is three inches taller, everything (we exclude unmentionables) is interchangeable; i.e. hose, shoes, gloves, dresses, coats and hats. And we both sew some, making both a useful and economical arrangement.
Recently, during a picture taking session, I decided to see if "Cathy" was to forever be a closet TV, or if she might be able to survive the rigors of the GG world. I was all dressed for frolic, so.... Why not? Margie was aghast when I told her that this night was to be my bap- tism by fire, but my determination never faltered. This was probably attributable to my inability to appreciate the basic difference between calculated risks and suicide.